Dolina Douro znajduje się na liście UNESCO od 2001 roku, jako teren przekształcony ręką ludzką dla uprawy winorośli i produkcji wina. Sławne wino Porto pochodzi właśnie stąd i dawniej było spławiane w dół rzeki w specjalnych łodziach aż do miejscowości Vila Nova de Gaia, w której piwnicach dojrzewało. Vila Nova de Gaia leży naprzeciw Porto- za mostem Ponte Dom Luís. W dzisiejszych czasach wino transportowane jest w cysternach.
At the end of the weekend: Douro- the most famous wine region in Portugal. It's located in Douro Valley and consists of wineries located on terraces on very steep slopes. It's really impressive- the view is breathtaking especially during sunset :). When I was there I felt the real atmosphere and spirit of the country! It's the true must-see in Portugal.
The Douro Valley is on UNESCO list from 2001 as an area transformed by human for viticulture and wine production. This is where the famous Port wine comes from. It used to be transported in special boats down the river to Vila Nova de Gaia, where it was maturating in wine cellars. Vila Nova de Gaia is located opposite Porto, across the bridge Ponte Dom Luís. Nowadays wine is transported in cisterns.
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